Fixing WordPress Errors? It’s Easy If You Do It Smartly


WordPress is really simple to use, however, there are certain basic problems that might be frightening. The good news is that the WP error you are currently seeing on your website has probably already been reported and fixed by someone else. We at WPBeginner have prepared guides on how to correct a number of common WP errors. The top WordPress problems will be covered in this article, along with instructions on how to correct each one.

Boost PHP memory to solve the WordPress memory exhaustion error

A white screen of death or an error message similar to this one may serve as indicators of this issue:

Fatal error: The allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2348617 bytes) in /home/username/public_html/site1/wp-includes/plugin.php on line xxx

When the default allocated memory size limit is reached by a WordPress script or plugin, this error occurs.

What to Do If WordPress Admin Is Locked Out (wp-admin)

You may frequently discover that the WordPress admin area is locked. If you lost your password and don’t have access to the password recovery email, this could happen.

You can also be locked out if a plugin or piece of code tries to alter the admin area incorrectly. A WordPress site that has been hacked could also prevent you from accessing the admin area.

How to Fix the Refreshing and Redirecting WordPress Login Page Issue

When a user tries to log in to the WordPress dashboard, WordPress sends them back to the login page as a symptom of the problem.

Most frequently, it occurs because the site URL and home URL fields in the WordPress settings table have the wrong values. It may also be brought on by incorrectly set up redirects or permalink settings in the .htaccess file.

How to Fix WordPress Image Upload Problems

A user may occasionally discover all the images on their website have vanished and are being replaced by broken image placeholders. An issue occurs when a user tries to use the media uploader to add an image to a post.

These media library files will all look to be damaged. Incorrect file and directory permissions in a WordPress installation are the cause of this issue. There are multiple possible main reasons for this problem.

How to Correct Typical Image Problems with WordPress

Someone unfamiliar with WordPress may find it challenging to upload photographs to a website. Images may not be able to be cropped, resized, or displayed in a gallery format for some users.

This is not a WordPress error or problem. All you have to do is get acquainted with how WordPress manages media.

Are You Certain You Want to Do This?” WordPress Message” Error

This problem may appear for users in the WordPress admin section. A plugin or theme using Nonce improperly is the most frequent source of this problem.

When performing an admin action in WordPress, the nonce is a unique security key that may be applied to URLs. Users may occasionally notice this warning if a plugin or theme uses it wrongly.

How to Resolve WordPress’ Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance Errors

You may occasionally get a “Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance” error in WordPress as a result of an incomplete or aborted upgrade.

When WordPress does an update, your site is placed in maintenance mode. WordPress won’t have a chance to take your site out of maintenance mode if the update is stopped for some reason. Your entire website would be locked down & useless for admins and users due to this issue.

How to Fix the WordPress Email Not Sending Problem

Not receiving any contact form or WordPress notification emails from your site is the most typical indication of this issue.

In order to avoid misuse of their servers, the majority of shared hosting companies block or restrict the module used for sending emails, which typically results in this problem.