Key Features of the PrognoCIS EHR


Last Updated on March 10, 2024 by admin

The PrognoCIS EHR is an integrated cloud-based application that helps medical practices manage their business and clinical processes. The platform includes EHR, Practice Management, Medical Billing, and Patient Engagement tools, making it a comprehensive solution for any size medical practice. Its key features include HIPAA compliance, Mobile app, customizable workflow, and integrated patient payments.

Mobile app

PrognoCIS is a cloud-based electronic health record solution that streamlines processes related to billing, revenue tracking, practice management, and telemedicine. This solution also offers real-time prescription functionality, allowing users to track medication costs and identify alternative therapies. It is certified by ONC-ATCB and CCHIT.

PrognoCIS’s mobile app enables patients to communicate with providers through messages, schedule appointments, obtain payment receipts, and print out educational materials. Moreover, the PrognoCIS My Health Records app also allows patients to view their medical records and receive notifications of appointments and prescription refills. The mobile application is completely secure, so patients can rest assured that their private information is safe.


PrognoCIS is a cloud-based EHR that is HIPAA compliant and certified to the Meaningful Use standards. Its powerful features allow doctors to easily customize workflows to suit their specific practices. Additionally, it includes Telehealth, practice management, and medical billing software. It is also certified by the ONC-ATCB and CCHIT.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, signed into law by the Clinton Administration, requires health care providers to follow certain rules to protect the health information of their patients. These regulations establish what is considered protected health information, as well as who can access and modify that information. HIPAA-compliant EHR systems are designed to protect patient information from unauthorized access and maintain patient privacy.

Customizable workflow

The PrognoCIS EHR provides physicians with customizable workflow and ease of use. It also has a rich depth of content specific to the Pain Management specialty. With this software, physicians can customize the flow of patient care from initial consult through discharge, and even adjust the workflow as needed to meet their unique practices. The workflow is built to ensure that providers ask the right questions and capture the patient’s response in a logical sequence. Its extensive anatomical diagrams and customizable templates help users create a personalized workflow.

The customizable workflow in PrognoCIS EHR provides users with a streamlined experience and streamlines communication with other healthcare providers. It is an excellent choice for small to mid-sized practices, since it supports EHR interoperability and allows providers to make better decisions. Its features are also compatible with existing eprescription tools, which allows doctors to prescribe medication from any location.

Integrated patient payments

With the integration of payment processing capabilities, clinics can collect credit card payments, patient co-pays and advance payments. This can help recover lost revenue resulting from lapses in insurance coverage or poor patient care. In today’s highly mobile and connected society, patients are well-informed consumers, so the ability to make their own payments is critical to maintaining the patient relationship.

PrognoCIS EHR integration with Integrity systems allows practices to accept payments in a secure manner. The platform allows for multiple merchant IDs, as well as multiple doctors, to receive payments. Payment information is then routed to the appropriate bank account for the practice.


PrognoCIS EHR integrates billing with practice management software, creating an automated process that streamlines the entire process. It supports all major specialties and can be configured to meet your practice’s needs. It can be deployed as an ASP service or as a customized Client-Server solution. In addition, PrognoCIS is HIPAA-compliant and Meaningful Use Certified.

Its streamlined billing process helps physicians make better decisions and maximizes practice ROI. It is HIPAA and ICD-10 compliant, with robust revenue cycle management features. It also integrates insurance eligibility in real time and offers an intuitive, interactive dashboard.

Read More: iPad EMR Software

Secured messaging

Secure messaging is a major feature that helps clinicians communicate easily. This feature can help ease the burden on providers, as it allows patients to communicate with their doctors as often as they want. A physician can use secure messaging to answer patients’ questions about medication changes, billing issues, or other important issues.

Secure messaging also allows patients to send notes to their doctor from home. This allows them to include all important questions they may have forgotten during an office visit.

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Ava Green
Ava Green is a certified yoga instructor and holistic health coach with a passion for promoting mind-body wellness. With over 5 years of experience in the field, Ava has worked with clients of all ages and backgrounds to help them achieve greater balance and harmony in their lives. She is dedicated to helping people reduce stress, improve their mental health, and cultivate a deeper connection with their bodies through yoga, meditation, and other holistic practices. Ava has written extensively on topics such as mindfulness, self-care, and the benefits of yoga for overall health and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to live their best lives by embracing a holistic approach to health and wellness. When she's not teaching or writing, Ava enjoys hiking, cooking healthy meals, and spending time with her family.