Image SEO: Most Effective Website Image Optimization Tips 2023.


Last Updated on April 22, 2024 by Umer Malik

Image SEO allows Google to show richer results and drive website traffic with images from Google. So how to SEO images effectively? Let’s find out with FC Media right here.

What is image SEO?

What is image SEO? Image SEO is the declaration of image insights to Google indexing including the display of images, you can also declare images using Google’s structured data.

Many people always think that on-page SEO and off-page SEO are the most important but ignore how to SEO images. Image SEO is a factor in on-page and off-page SEO.

With Google Images, users can quickly discover information with more context around images. This leads to higher quality traffic to your website.

If on a day not far away, your website runs very slowly because you forget about optimizing images due to too large image size, a series of keywords dropping, the number of rare visitors and how much effort is put into it.

So, make sure that your website images are optimized for Google images.

Most Effective Image SEO Tips for Website Increase user experience:

If you want to increase the visibility of your site’s content in Google images, focus on your audience by providing a great experience for them:

  • Provide good content: make sure that your content is relevant to the topic, avoiding rambling content that does not provide the necessary information to the reader. Especially discourage the article from containing only the entire content or images, which will make it easy for readers to get bored.
  • Location optimization: you can place images close to relevant text.
  • Don’t embed text inside images: To ensure maximum access for users, you just need to provide alt text for the image. Avoid embedding entire content in images.
  • Create informative and high-quality websites: Besides visual content for Google images, good content on your website is equally important. Because Google will consider the quality of the content of the page when ranking images, so the content of the page can be used to create text for images.
  • Create device-friendly websites: The majority of users search for images on Google from their phones rather than computers. So, you need to design your website for all kinds of device sizes. You can check how well your page is performing on mobile and get notifications about what needs to be fixed.
  • Create a good URL structure for your images: Google uses the file name as well as the URL path to identify your image. Therefore, you should consider organizing the image content so that the URL is built in a logical way.

Appropriately named, user-friendly images

As noted above, Google will rank your images by file name. Therefore, you need to name the image fairly:

  • Name the photo with SEO keywords or related to the article content, the purpose to describe the image.
  • Image names written without accents, hyphenated in the middle of “-“, do not contain special symbols such as *,#,@,$,…
  • The image name is not too long.

Example: Seo images for chamomile bread products

  • Standard naming: ball-mi-flower-cuc.jpg
  • Misnamed: BMHC.jpg, cake.jpg, ball*mi@hoa%cuc.jpg,…

Set description tags – alt descriptions and image captions.

Placing a description tag helps users better understand the image you want to express.

The Alt attribute is the main content of the Heading mentioned or the summary of the image to be represented, it is displayed on Google Images, helping search engines understand the image content from which your photo will appear on Google Images.

A caption is a small piece of descriptive text just below the image, which helps the reader understand what the image content wants to convey.

Clear captions make the image easier to understand and attract the reader’s attention.

In the footnotes section may or may not contain keywords.

Use the best image format.

Currently, there are 3 types of commonly used image formats: JPEG / JPG (.jpg), GIF (.gif), PNG (.png).

  • JPEG / JPG: The most used format, supports displaying many colors, suitable for digital image files.
  • GIF: animated form, often used to describe a process in a photo frame.
  • PNG: High image format suitable for graphic images.

If you don’t need to use animations, you should prefer JPEG/JPG and PNG image formats.

Here is a comparison between JPEG / JPG and PNG formats, the results will show that JPEG gives better quality but compensates PNG for better compression capacity, and most importantly, image size on the same size, JPG is the most optimal for the website.

Use image Resizer to load quickly.

The image size should not exceed the article frame because if the image is too large, it will cause the website to load slower.

Therefore, it is necessary to resize the image or compress jpeg before uploading to the site to help speed up the page load and save host space.

Uploading large images to the host will take up most of the host’s space and interfere with bandwidth transmission.

Loading too many large images will make your website load slower, which also makes readers impatient enough to wait for the image to load.

It is recommended to optimize the image size below 150KB.

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