Competitive Exams: Section-by-Section Preparation


    Last Updated on March 20, 2024 by admin

    Government test preparation is unquestionably difficult. You must adopt a successful approach to go through each segment of the test. It’s worth noting that certain government tests require you to pass the sectional cut-off. We’ve included some of the best study tips and methods for each area of the test in one post. So, begin studying for the test by following these helpful hints.

    The majority of students bend over themselves to prepare properly and do well on the test. For adequate test preparation, the majority of applicants opt to enrol in a reputable coaching facility. If you have a plan to take bank exam? If so, get in touch with a fantastic institution that specialises in bank coaching. A coaching centre can assist you in preparing for each portion of the test. Always keep in mind that you must begin preparing for the test by using some effective tactics.

    Here are a few pointers to help you prepare for each portion of the competitive exam:

    Do you have a burning desire to work for the government? If you answered yes, then go ahead and focus on getting through each part of the competitive test. To learn how to prepare for each portion of the test, read the following guidelines.

    Reasoning Ability

    It’s worth noting that one of the most difficult areas of government tests is reasoning ability. If you wish to answer questions about your reasoning abilities, you’ll need a decent understanding of common sense. Here’s how to efficiently prepare for reasoning ability:

    Puzzles and seating configurations make up the bulk of this section. Take your time reading the problem and don’t make any assumptions about things that aren’t presented. Practicing as much as possible is the key to solving riddles quickly. Attempting to solve the puzzles should always be the first step.

    While working on the reasoning section, make sure you don’t spend too much time on a single question.

    Begin with the questions about which you are certain. This is how you will be able to succeed in the test.

    Also, before answering questions, make sure you don’t make any assumptions regarding data sufficiency. The most important thing to remember is that the information in the question is the only information you have.

    Coding and decoding, blood relations, orientation tests, order and rating, and so on should not take too long.

    Quantitative Skills

    The quantitative aptitude component of the test is feared by the majority of students. Well, if you employ some fun strategies to study for the test, you may find that it is much too simple to pass. The following are some helpful hints for preparing for the quant section:

    Start with elementary concepts like averages, ratios, proportions, simple interest, and compound interest. Make sure you go through the exam’s simple and scoring subjects first.

    After you’ve finished the easier themes, you may go on to the more difficult ones. This is how you might pique your interest in the exam’s quantitative component.

    Learn some simple methods to help you pass the difficult problems on the exam. Please keep in mind that you will not have enough time to complete full-fledged questions.

    For the test, it’s a good idea to memorise tables and key formulae. It may greatly simplify your calculations.

    Always keep in mind that cramming will not get you through the mathematical aptitude part. 

    English Is A Very Versatile Language

    The English language, on the other hand, is the most undervalued component of the test. Let us assure you that this is the most straightforward and high-scoring component of the test. So, here are some helpful hints for studying for this section:

    Every day, learn at least five new English words. Also, familiarise yourself with their synonyms, antonyms, and usage.

    You must grasp the fundamental laws of grammar. It’s a good idea to brush up on tenses, prepositions, punctuation, and conjunctions, among other things.

    Listen to English-language motivational podcasts. You have the option of reading an English newspaper every day. This is how you can use a single arrow to kill two birds. By reading an English newspaper every day, you can improve your language skills and general knowledge.

    If you believe it will be difficult to prepare for the English portion on your own, you might consider obtaining assistance from a reputable source. So, for better test preparation, enrol in a recognised tutoring facility.

    A General Understanding

    Every competitive test includes a section on general awareness. It is important to keep oneself informed about current events. You must also keep the enormous static G.K. It is important to note that if you want to improve your general awareness, you must read a newspaper every day. If reading a newspaper bores you, there are other ways to expand your general knowledge.

    Keep up with current events by reading a monthly magazine.

    On your smartphone, install a current affairs app. You can get Inshorts, MakeMyExam, and GradeUp for free.

    Mock Exams Should Be Taken

    Have you ever taken a practise test? If not, let us inform you that a mock test is created in accordance with the real exam structure and curriculum. It has a question level that corresponds to the real test. In a fake exam, you may answer questions from each area. So, if you want to pass competitive examinations, start practising with mock tests. Mock examinations, believe it or not, may help you avoid unfavourable exam grades.

    Enroll in a prestigious coaching facility to improve your test preparation. If you have a plan to take the SSC exam? If so, contact a reputable institution that offers SSC  coaching institute.


    We hope that this material will assist you in properly studying for each portion of the test. The syllabus for the most recent exam should also be familiarised with by all candidates before they start studying for the exam.